07 December, 2010

Far Out Man, Far Out

This is some intensely psychedelic fractal work. From the author, Chris Korda:

This is an extremely deep dive into the Mandelbrot set, to 2^316 (binary). In decimal that's 1E+95, or 1 with 95 zeros after it. The coordinates are identical to a similar deep zoom movie posted to YouTube by user metafis, but my version has higher resolution (648x480), and was rendered with 2x antialiasing (four pixels computed for every output pixel). It also has an improved palette, similar to the one used by the Wikipedia Mandelbrot page. The uncompressed version looks better of course--fractals are close to the worst case for video compression--but H.264 does surprisingly well.

There is no audio but I highly recommend queuing up Ligti's Requiem as the soundtrack.

Fractice Mandelbrot deep zoom to 2^316 (bigger than the universe!) from Chris Korda on Vimeo.

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