05 January, 2006


I want to urge my fellow Wisconsonians to check out No on the Amendment webpage which is dedicated to preventing our state constitution from being amended to ban gay marriage and further codify ignorance, prejuice, and fear. (Yes, I've been listening to Rush lately.) There are links to various articles at the site including one to a piece by Jim Stingl at the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel called "Let's keep Wisconsin tolerant in 2006". All the articles I read had similiar jingoistic tones - "let's make history by rejecting the amendment!" or "let's show the world just how tolerant we are!" But voting against the amendment is not about making history by showing tolerance, it's about apologizing to all of the homosexual people in this state for this crap ever making it to the polls in the first place. If Wisconsin were truly tolerant, we wouldn't be voting on this amendment and gay & lesbian residents could be united civilly. Perhaps it's about too much tolerance - too much tolerance for fearmongers like Julaine Appling who ought to be run out of town with brickbats.

The mere fact that we're going to the polls to vote on this is appalling and indicative that tolerance has already been lost.

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