18 June, 2009


I read today that Pavlov's Pizza on Willy Street has closed. It is genuinely surprising for me that it's been open this long considering that the joint was open a mere 5 days a week - Wednesday through Sunday - and then only from 5-10PM. My theory was that it was a front for drug runners or some such thing. Still, they made a good pizza pie.

At least the structure will be occupied - by a bakery that is an offshoot of Ian's Pizza.

The new bakery will have a small retail shop in front selling sourdough bread, croissants, baguettes, brownies, cookies and cupcakes, according to Cindy Gross, executive chef at Ian's.

I had no idea Ian's had an executive chef but at least now I know who is to blame for the culinary atrocities they pass off under the guise of being pizza. Perhaps a sacrifice to the gods is in order so that we can avoid chicken pot pie croissants, spinach mashed potato baguettes, and stir fry cookies.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not here to start a fight on ur-pizzas and fuzzy anthropomorphisms like last time, but rather to see if you'd be willing to "ring" me up on the old Internet talk-box. I have a question for you about an older blog post.

You can e-mail me here if you so wish.