08 March, 2012

My Get Out of Jail Free Card

If anyone at work complains today about their computers not working, I am just going to tell them there's nothing I can do because of these:

The Earth is being bombarded with plasma! It's like something out of a Roland Emmerich movie.

The biggest solar storm in five years is battering our planet right now, and may cause disruptions to satellites, power grids and communications networks over the next 24 hours, space weather experts say.

Two strong solar flares erupted from the surface of the sun late Tuesday (March 6), blasting a wave of plasma and charged particles toward Earth. After speeding through space at 4 million mph, this eruption of material — called a coronal mass ejection (CME) — should be hitting Earth now.

Even here down south we may get some nice auroras out of the deal. Keep any eye out tonight.

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