13 July, 2005

Moronic Malkin

Michelle Malkin has written a little encomium for Aage Bjerre, a Danish pizzeria owner who refuses to serve French and Germans in protest of their countries' opposition to our incursion into Iraq. So, a German tourist who supports our Iraqi venture gets told to fuck off, we're not gonna serve you. Now, exactly how is that a display of support? Is not serving pizza to tourists supposed to have some kind of impact upon the French and German governments? Most folks in the West go to great lengths to show how separate the actions of a government can be from the "will of the people". Terrorists may have had a gripe with a particular government's actions but this certainly doesn't justify killing civilians - right? Why is Malkin justifying discrimination against civilians when it is the actions of governments that is at issue? Or does Malkin believe that every French and German tourist is anti-war? I guess I just don't perceive "Hey, I support your war so I'm going to do something stupid!" as cause for thanks.

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