10 September, 2024

Triumvirat of prog

We have a proggy trifecta of anniversaries today.

First we have Jethro Tull's Catfish Rising released this day in 1991. Perhaps not their strongest album, but it nonetheless has some fine music on it including the slightly lascivious "Like a Tall Thin Girl". Here it is from 25 November of that year at the Chicago Theatre.

Five years later Rush gave us Test For Echo. It continues the trend started on Counterparts of largely eschewing synthesizers and instead letting Alex Lifeson flex his chops in a lead, riffy kind of way.

This is the beautiful "Half the World" recorded in Milwaukee on 13 June 1997.

Another five years later Yes released Magnification. It's an album I've never really given a proper listen, although I really like the title track and "In the Presence Of".

This is "Don't Go" from their show in Milwaukee on 15 August 2001. Thinking back, I am wondering why I didn't go (ha!) to this concert when a couple friends of mine did. I suspect it had to do with the fact that 15 August is a common move-in date for renters and I was one back in the day.

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