11 November, 2005

Must-See Documentary on Anti-Semitism

This documentary sounds like an interesting documentary - and frightening as well. It's a about the apocryphal "Protocols of the Elders of Zion".

Director Mark Levin ("Slam"), surprised and dismayed by the lunatic fringe reaction to Sept. 11 -- that it was a Jewish conspiracy -- began to wonder how such a noxious idea came about. His investigation led him to that bible for anti-Semites, the fraudulent "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

The book was concocted in Russia at the end of the 19th century by the czar's secret police, and purports to lay out a plan for Zionist domination of the world. That the document is a forgery has long been known, but to this day, many neo-Nazis, Jew-haters and Holocaust deniers count it as authentic. The book is frighteningly popular in the Arab world.

The director interviews a radio host named Frank Weltner who has a website called "Jew Watch". I won't link to it out of spite, but know that it has the byline, "Jew Watch is a Not-For-Profit Library for private study, scholarship, or research. This is NOT a hate site. This is a scholarly research archive of articles." It then has a picture of Lenin next to one of Michael Chertoff inviting the viewer to see how much they look alike. A brilliant scholarly oberservation indeed.

I'll have to keep an eye out for it. If no theater shows it, perhaps Hillel will.

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