Adele Ferguson proclaims that slavery was a good thing in a recent column.
Ferguson ponders, "It mystifies me why the black population remains in thrall to the Democratic Party." Well, maybe this is perhaps because only Republicans make the claim today that slavery was a good thing and was all a part of some grand subterfuge on the part of Yahweh in which he took those stupid black folk and shipped 'em over to the whiteys who could civilize them. If Ferguson's deity can create a universe in a day, you'd think he could just move them over to these shores with less thought than it takes for us to breathe. But no. Mr. G. Oddie instead has to have them shipped over in boats which led to deaths of many of them. Those lucky enough to live were denied freedom and placed into slavery. And do you know what was used to justify slavery? Let's all try to guess what book was used to justify treating human beings like cattle, to deny them their freedom, to force them into labor for whitey, to beat them, separate parents and children...? Yes, it was the Bible!
"[Slavery] was established by decree of Almighty is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts." Jefferson Davis
So it was all a ploy on behalf of blacks! All the pain and misery and cruelty was just Yahweh's love. So did Lincoln foil God's loving plan or should black Americans just be thankful for slavery?
Religious nutcases don't always explode IEDs or behead folks with machetes. No, some are more benign in appearance, like Adele Ferguson. Her argument that the cruelty & inhumanity of slavery is just an example of God's love is absolutely ridiculous. It also illustrates very well that religion has an evil side. An evil side that doesn't just appear when bombs go off. It manifests itself in seemingly calm, civilized people like Ferguson who use their religion as an excuse to turn a blind eye to reality and to ignore problems.
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