16 August, 2023

This is the Vinegar of Company Bragg

I saw some drinking vinegar or a drink with vinegar in it or whatever you call it from a company called Bragg (which made me think of Commander McBragg) recently at Woodman's and I picked up the lime citrus version, although they have a bevy of other flavors.

It's just water dosed with apple cider vinegar, lime juice, and lemon juice with a dash of monk fruit to take a bit of the edge off. This stuff is "prebiotic" and a "daily dose of wellness", or so says the brag of company Bragg. I don't know what "prebiotic" means nor what the health benefits, if any, are of drinking vinegar. The citrus juice will keep scurvy at bay, though.

It was quite refreshing with a firm citrus tartness up front and a hint of the vinegar sour in the background. While I did find this stuff to be very tasty, I have a lot of Central and Eastern European blood in me and I found myself wishing there was more vinegar in it.

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