25 September, 2008


There's an interesting interview at Salon today with author and chef Jennifer McLagan about her new book, Fat. In the book she preaches the virtues of animal fat, gives instructions on how to render it, and includes some recipes which are, no doubt, very tasty.

Unlike vegetable oils, animal fats are very stable and don't turn rancid easily. This makes them ideal for cooking, which involves heating the fat. And they have no trans fats.

It is much easier to roast a bird or a joint of meat if it has a good quantity of fat. The fat guarantees taste and succulence. Without it, the meat will be dry and tasteless.

Animal fats have lots of good fatty acids that fight disease, help absorb vitamins and lower cholesterol. Your body burns the short-chained fatty acids found in animal fats and stores the long-chained ones found in polyunsaturated fat. It is a myth that eating animal fat makes you fat.

Animal fat also has a good ratio of essential fatty acids. Many of us have a skewed ratio thanks to too much vegetable oil. When this ratio is out of balance, it results in illness and depression.

But best of all, fat -- with its big round molecules -- tastes good, it feels good in your mouth, on your tongue and it carries flavors.


nichole said...

Hooray for fat! Lipids are lovely.

Skip said...

And tasty too. I am gonna have to try my hand at rendering.