10 May, 2005

Torte of Sort Is My Cohort

I made a Tort Czekoladowy (that's a chocolate torte for all you non-Polish speakers) last week with The Dulcinea. Being a novice baker, I was pleased with it. And so was The Dulcinea. And the folks at work who flocked to it like flies to shit. Here are some highlights.

Step #1. Have booze on hand.

The bourbon replaced the brandy in the frosting while the beer was for consumption by the bakers.

Step #2. Grate way more highly expensive chocolate than you need for the batter and lick the leftovers from a pan.

Step #3. stir really, really quickly.

Step #4. Cut the torte in half and spread filling.

Step #5. Slap that top bit back on and apply bourbon-laced frosting.

Voila! Tort Czekoladowy!

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