09 February, 2004

Why Has My Bedroom Run Amok?

My bedroom is looking a lot better now. Previously it was a disaster area with clothing, books, CDs, and bags of coffee beans and a grinder strewn about the place. Clothes are in the wash, CDs stacked, books shelved and coffee now resides in the kitchen. The exact location of my diary was revealed to have been right on the floor in the middle of the room buried underneath 3 other books, 4 CDs, and a pair of smelly socks. Next I am going to wash my bedsheets...


February 19th
Colin McGinn, Professor of Philosohpy, Rutgers University

McGinn will be speaking at the University and it's FREE. And, hell, if Ms. Scarlett can learn about subduing men's testicles with chopsticks by herself, then I can certainly discover what the T-zone is on my own. But, if I do, it will become arcane knowledge known only to me and held forever in my giant brain the size of a planet until my deathbed revelation.

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