15 January, 2023

The Return of the Giant Kraalweed

Wow! The people who made these Doctor Who Annuals really just did not care about anything beyond making a quick pound.

Where is Ben? Jamie looks nothing like Jamie while Polly is even worse. She's a brunette. The Doctor Who Reference Guide puts this story immediately after The Macra Terror because a character who is drawn to look like Victoria is referred to as Polly. No need for quality control when all you're trying to do is capitalize on a trend. Reminds me of some brewers these days.

The Doctor refers to his companions as "children" so it would appear the Annual folks are still thinking of Hartnell.

They land on a planet where the human types are being hunted by giant man-eating plants called Kraal. The Doctor does his best Prometheus imitation and introduces them to fire. Soon, the Doctor notes, the Kraal will be extinct, giving more ammunition to the Valeyard at the Doctor's trial.

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