02 March, 2023

All this is, of course, nonsense

This is a moderately interesting one. It starts in media res with the Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria stuck in cubicles (I feel their pain) hooked up to the mind probe along with countless other creatures from throughout the universe. Yes, the mind probe! Distinct Riverworld vibes here. The Doctor manages to make his mind go blank which catches the attention of their captors who free our heroes from the probe and their cubes.

It turns out these beings are pure energy. But, having reached the pinnacle of evolution, they've decided to return to corporeal form. Victoria develops great empathy for these aliens which they pick up on. Her empathy and conviction that love is of primary importance convinces the aliens to let everyone go and live happily ever after.

Moderately interesting, Victoria's emotions win the day which means a companion is the prime mover, if you will. (I was reminded of Rose in "Dalek" here.) As these annual stories go, one of the best, despite the Doctor calling his companions "children".

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