20 April, 2023

How the Ottomans influenced Polish cuisine

The Chicago Tribune has a neat article about the influence of the Ottomans (via Turkey) on Polish cuisine.

Poland has had historic connections with Turkey for over 600 years...This connection remains embedded in classic Polish cuisine. Gołabki is like a larger version of dolma, but with a Slavic spin, featuring ground pork. Pierogi supposedly came to Poland in the 14th century with the Tatars, Turkic nomadic tribes from Central Asia...

...But the use of dried fruits, nuts and aromatic spices really illustrates Poland’s past exchanges with Ottoman culture: roasted duck or bacon with plums, hot soups with fresh strawberries or dried prunes with cloves and cinnamon, and baked treats like the poppy seed roll or keks cake with dried fruits and walnuts are just a few examples.

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