01 August, 2005


Why in the name of fuck did I wake up at 4:30? I was thrust into consciousness from a dream involving The Dulcinea, albeit tangentially. While making coffee, I noticed that Stevie and Becca bought carbs over the weekend. And I don't mean ketchup which Heinz has squeezed all carbs out of save 1 nanocarb, but rather they bought bread and pasta and all manner of stuff anathema to the Atkins diet. Checking my e-mail, I found that I have received one from a woman who used to read another blog of mine which is no longer active from a couple years ago. To top things off, it is about 6 degrees warmer here now than in Los Angeles and we have an expected high 9 degrees warmer than out west. Fuck, I have this feeling that today is going to be an odd day. Users are going to remember their passwords, Business Objects will miraculously repair itself, and the DOA will have the state's new e-mail system up and humming.

I really don't want to go to work. But I suppose I'll be able to rub it Ed's face that I pitched my tent in the wee hours of Saturday morning highly unsober. After work I tutor and then I'm off like a speeding bullet to Cambridge so I futz with Kias' new 'puter.

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