18 December, 2022

Meat: Rubbed and Cooked

In an earlier post, I noted that I had made a batch of BBQ rub and was keen on trying out some rhubarb BBQ sauce. And so I threw together some country ribs.

Unlike my photograph, the ribs turned out fairly well. I'd like to work on a rub that doesn't rely on chili powder so much. I like the coriander and think it needs more. Maybe some cocoa powder. This is going to take more thought.

As for the BBQ sauce from Stevens Point Sauce Company, I thought it was very tasty stuff. There was a nice tartness from the rhubarb, tempered by maple syrup. Sweet but not as cloying as most other BBQ sauces. I didn't slather my rib in it but a steady hand in dipping the pork into the sauce made for a most satisfying meal. Plus, the sauce has a distinct Wisconsin angle to it as our fair state is one of leading producers in the nation of both maple syrup and rhubarb.

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