26 March, 2004

The End May Be Nigh

Once again, I awoke at 4:30 this morning. After making coffee, I then drafted a to-do list for the day. It filled up quickly but has since been whittled down to just 2 things and both have left me waiting for people to call me back.

I called the funeral home but they still haven't received the ashes nor have the death certificates been, um, certified. And the moving company has still not called. So I did laundry and did some more cleaning. And Peanut is supposed to stop by soon to snag the freezer and the rest of the tools in the garage. I then need to go drop off some stuff at the lawyer's office and ask him a couple questions. I also drew up a list of things to make sure are done when I'm ready to leave like cancelling utilities, turning off the pump for the sewage treatment unit, and taking the license plaste off of the truck. I've gone over everything 8 million times and made lists. Other than cleaning, there's nothing for me to do at this point. Anything that requires me to go to town will be down in a while so I can do everything at once. I even called the IRS. Holy shit, what an ordeal!! I got lost in their labyrinthine automated phone hoolie. And, if you go to the wrong spot, you're not given the ability to retrace your steps to the previous menu. So I had to call back a couple times.
I don't know that I've ever been so anxious for a phone call.

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